UNESCO's SDG Global and Thematic Indicators

Data source: UNESCO

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The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is the official and trusted source of internationally-comparable data on education, science, culture and communication.

As the official statistical agency of UNESCO, the UIS produces a wide range of state-of-the-art databases to fuel the policies and investments needed to transform lives and propel the world towards its development goals. This dataset; the SDG Global and Thematic Indicators, comprises information on the Sustainable Development Goals on education.

The UIS provides free access to data for all UNESCO countries and regional groupings from 1970 to the most recent year available.

Last updated by source: 2023-09-01

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• UNESCO. (2019). UNESCO institute for statistics: Feature films. http://data.uis.unesco.org/
• UNESCO. (2023). UNESCO institute for statistics: SDG global and thematic indicators. http://data.uis.unesco.org/
• UNESCO. (2024). UNESCO institute for statistics: Other policy relevant indicators (OPRI). http://data.uis.unesco.org/

Variables in this dataset:

   Gross intake ratio to last grade of lower secondary general educ., female (%)
QoG Code: une_girlglsf

Gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary general education, female (%).

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   Gross intake ratio to last grade of lower secondary general education, male (%)
QoG Code: une_girlglsm

Gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary general education, male (%).

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   Gross intake ratio to last grade of lower secondary general edu. both sexes (%)
QoG Code: une_girlglst

Gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary general education, both sexes (%).

More about this variable

   Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, female (%)
QoG Code: une_girlgpf

Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, female (%).

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   Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, male (%)
QoG Code: une_girlgpm

Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, male (%).

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   Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, both sexes (%)
QoG Code: une_girlgpt

Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, both sexes (%).

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